Welcome to The PR Set. Ahhh I've done it. I've started my own business.
If you're not my Mum and Dad then welcome (and yay, someone else is reading!). If you are my Mum and Dad, then thank for your unwavering support and cheerleading for the past 39 and a bit years. Hopefully this might help explain what PR is and what I actually do.
So I thought I'd use my very first blog post to explain a bit more about me and what makes me tick, so you can see why I love what I do so much. I won't be banging on about myself much here at all, it's not my style but I think it will help you to understand what floats our boat at The PR Set.
For me it's all about people. I LOVE people. I think that's why I went into PR all those years ago. I love the idea of understanding people more, what motivates them, what makes them individuals, what connects them to each other and what makes them tick.
I love nothing more than connecting people together so they can do/ create/ make beautiful things. I'm very good at standing behind people and giving them a boost - and it was during lockdown that I had a word with myself and questioned why I wasn't doing this to myself.
So here we, welcome to The PR Set. I'm here to make PR accessible for small businesses. I want to show you that you can do PR, whether it's DIY PR, a bit-of-help from me PR or whatever else you need for us to shout about your business.
We've got lots of flexible options so there's hopefully something that works for a. what you want to do and b. your budget.
Some other things about me:
1. I love gin
2. I love Anglesey (if you haven't visited yet, put it on your staycation list - particularly a little village called Rhosneigr where I've been going for nearly 40 years)
3. I love Sushi (we moved to a new place, a gin bar opened and now they do Sushi Fridays. I mean, if that's not the world giving me something positive, I don't know what is)
4. I love connecting people and match-making (in the business sense these days)
5. I've got two fabulous boys (feral also another word to describe them) and an amazing husband who has listened to me bang on about this business for the past four months without even rolling an eye ball. He's a keeper.
6. I'm excited.
Thanks for reading and drop me a message if you want to chat about ways we can work together
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